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Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Install Blackberry Messenger (BBM) Di PC / Laptop

Assalamualikum.... Setelah diluncurkannya aplikasi messenger besutan RIM Motion yaitu Blackberry Messenger untuk Android dan iOS beberapa waktu yang lalu membuat aplikasi ini menjadi sangat didambakan para jejaring sosial, mengingat aplikasi messenger ini merupakan yang paling terlaris dan paling banyak penggunanya yang terhubung hanya melalui perangkat Blackberry saja. Saat ini semua pengguna Android dan iOS telah bisa menikmati aplikasi tersebut dengan Gratis. tapi tidak semua OS Android compatible untuk dipasangkan dengan BBM, syaratnya minimal smartphone yang menggunakan Android 4.0 Icecream Sandwich. Nah, bagaimana kalau Smartphone sobat tidak memenuhi persyaratan yg ditentukan? tidak perlu bersedih hati, karena sobat bisa mencicipi BBM tersebut melalui komputer maupun laptop dengan memanfaatkan software virtual. silahkan disimak aja :)

Ada Empat cara yang bisa sobat lakukan untuk menggunakan aplikasi BBM menggunakan PC / Laptop yaitu bisa menggunakan Bluestacks, Android SDK, Genymotion dan Virtualbox.


(Klik Disini untuk informasi selanjutnya)

Status : Tested & Work for all OS Tanpa ada masalah dan lebih ringan!!


Status : Tested & Work for All OS Tanpa ada Masalah!!!!
Specifikasi : Acer Intel Core i3, RAM 2GB, VGA Intel HD

Sediakan peralatan yang diperlukan:

1. Laptop / PC | Belii :p

2. Android SDK | Download

3. Java SE Development Kit 7u45 - Windows x86 | Download

4. Blackbery Messenger | Download

5. ID Blackberry | Register here

Langkah - Langkah

Pertama silahkan daftarkan dulu ID blackberry untuk memudahkan proses instalasi aplikasi BBMannya :)

Kemudian donlot peralatan yang dibutuhkan, install Java dulu yah biar bisa jalan. kemudian extrack Android SDK di partisi yg diinginkan,, kalo saya sendiri file diletakkan di partisi E:/

Kemudian buka file SDK Manager, Lalu klik Tools > Manage AVD'> klik New

Setting aja sesuai keinginan, klo ga tau boleh niru punya saya :D Klik OK

Nah, proses pengaturan selesai. kalo ceklis hijau, berarti tidak ada yg salah dalam pengaturan tadi. lalu klik Start
Nah, Androidnya udah bisa jalan :)

Trus bagaimana install BBM.apk nya??? sobat bisa mendownloadya dari Browser Android emulator sobat, download aja dari lik yg ada diblog ini.. kemudian diinstall.

Bisa juga secara secara manual yaitu  tinggal copy dan pastekan ke folder platform-tools. kemudian buka terminal dan masuk ke path E:\Android-SDK\sdk\platform-tools, dan masukan perintah : adb.exe install bbm.apk Lihat gambar !!

Tunggu saja proses instalasinya hingga selesai, kalo udah selesai maka BBM akan muncul di menu android. Lihat gambar!!

Nah, udah selesai tinggal dibuka aplikasinya :)

lalu masukkan email sobat yang telah terdaftar di Blackcerry ID

Selanjutnya klik Next aja

Kemudian silahkan Sign in menggunakan akun ID yang terdaftar di Blackberry

Kemudian isi form yg ada sesuai keinginan. lalu klik Submit

Nah, tinggal menunggu proses validasi selesai

Setelesah selesai, maka sobat akan mendapatkan PIN nya.. Jangan lupa Invite saya yah :D

Tambahan :

Karena saya lagi males mo ngapa2in, jadi saya copas aja yg ada digruop Dari Sobat Galih, yaitu Cara mindahin Foto dari Harddisk ke Gallery (Emulator) Khusus Android SDK :

1. Masuk ke folder sdk => \sdk\tools
2. Open monitor.bat
3. Pilih Device
4. File Explorer [Digambar Kebalik]
5. Storenge => sdcard [Digambar Kebalik] (Ingat save di folder sdcard, jangan di folder Picture)
6. Klik nomor enam (Lihat Gambar!)
7. Pilih file dari harddisk yang akan disimpan di sdcard (Satu-satu)
8. Sekarang lihat Gallery di android (emulator) sobat !


Status : Tested & Work for All OS Tanpa ada Masalah!!!!
Specifikasi : Acer Intel Core i3, RAM 2GB, VGA Intel HD

Sediakan peralatan yang diperlukan:

1. Laptop / PC | Belii :p

2. Genymotion-1.3.0-Vbox | Register & Download

3. Blackbery Messenger | Download

4. ID Blackberry | Register here

Langkah - Langkah

Pertama sobat diharuskan mendaftar di Genymotion, untuk mendownload Installernya. kalo sudah donlot silahkan diinstall sekalian virtualboxnya yg udah satu paket dengan genymotion. kalo sudah selesai semua tinggal dibuka ajaa plikasinya. kemudian Klik ADD lalu masukkan username dan passwor yg udah sobat daftarkan tadi. klik Connect

Lalu pilih Virtual Device sesuai keinginan. saran ane pilih yg specnya yg rendah aja  biar ga berat dan yang udah bundle Gapps,. lalu klik Add

Setelah itu klik Next untuk mendownload virtuallnnya.  tunggu aja ampe selesai :)

Kalo sudah selesai download, klik aja Play

Lalu untuk install BBMnya bisa sobat download melalui Playstore maupun di Blog IDCA :)


Status : Tested & Work on Windows 8 & Linux Ubuntu tapi Sedikit bermasalah!!!!!!!!!!
Specifikasi : Acer Intel Core i3, RAM 2GB, VGA Intel HD

Sediakan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:

1. Virtualbox v.4.3-x86/amd64 | Download

2. OS Android 4.1 JellyBean | Download

3. ID Blackberry | Register here

4. Blackbery Messenger | Download

Langkah - Langkah

Pertama silahkan daftarkan dulu ID blackberry untuk memudahkan proses instalasi aplikasi BBMannya :)

Kemudian install Androidnya di virtualbox. bagi yang belum tau caranya, silahkan lihat : Cara Install Android Di Virtualbox.

Setelah itu copy BBM.apk melalui flashdisk ke virtual Android yang sudah diinstal tadi. caranya coopy dulu file BBM.apk ke flashdisk, lalu di virtual klik Device > Mass Setorage Device. tunggu proses pembacaan flashdisk hingga selesai.

Lalu ubah Settingan agar Androidnya bisa diinstall aplikasi dari luar Playstore. caranya klik Setting > Security > ceklis Unknown Source.

Kemudian buka ASTRO, klik File Manager > klik UP > klik folder USB

Setelah itu double klik file BBM, lalu klik Install

Silahkan tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.

Kalo udah selesai, tinggal buka aja aplikasi BBMnya :) dan proses selanjutnya sama seperti proses diatas.

Sekian tutorial dari saya,kurang lebih mohon maaf :)

Jika ada masalah seputar tutorial yg ada disini sobat bisa tanyakan dan diskusikan di forum kami

Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos Full Version Free Download

Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
After the release of Reign of Chaos and after the release of Frozen Throne expansion, Warcraft III is still a very popular and an important jumping off point for what could possibly be one of the most famous (and profitable)games at the latest. Blizzard World of Warcraft.

Warcraft III
and its expansion are real-time strategy, and some would argue, one of the best in thismennessä.Pelaaja can use a number of units and their combinations to defeat the enemy, often wiping them off the map. Blizzard has four of competition you play what became part of World of Warcraft (Humans, Orcs,Night Elves and Undead). The game itself is very smooth controls and keyboard shortcuts are often veryobvious. Gaining skill and a bit of time is very helppoa.
Kampanja for example, gives one unit at a time, tasks, presentation of the strengths and weaknesses of each separately, so that you can combine them, that when you feel tarvetta.Avain behind the Warcraft III has a variety of units in each race and the natural that the strategy will bring to the table everyone who can apply for any style of gameplay. Blizzard was a very careful design and playability of each race that looks like the player, such as the nearly 4 different games at the same time control
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
Proceedings game Warcraft III Reign of Chaos is basically no different from other RTS games. Players control the base consisting of various buildings. Some buildings can then be used to produce a unit of workers and soldiers. Buildings owned by each race has a different name and appearance, but the function of each building is essentially the same even though others may have unique functions that are not owned the building from other careers. Players can also make a similar defense tower built to help protect his base.

There are two main sources of me in the game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: gold and wood. Gold is needed to make buildings and units, while the wood needed to make buildings and units developed. Obtained by the gold mining sector in a lump like building known as the "Gold Mine" with the unit staff. Wood itself is obtained by cutting the plants found in almost every corner of the map game. Gold in small quantities can also be obtained by killing enemies or sell units that can only be used by the Hero. Other resource requirements, but are not classified as a mine to eat (food), which shows the player population. Food obtained by creating a city center building or other buildings that operate more or less like the cheap. Human example, can be added to food by promoting farm buildings and / or the Town Hall. Limiting foods with Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is 90.

The latest addition to the game Warcraft III Reign Chaos is not present in the past Warcraft games is the presence of two new race played: Undead and Night Elf and Human races complete orc available. As the name of the race. Orc is a race of giants and monsters are rebellious. Undead people dead and demons, while the night elves Elves and creatures magical night forest guards. Their people have different strengths and uniqueness of the other races so that the use of certain races also require specific tactics to win. To maintain a balance between career, as a developer Blizzard Entertainment released Warcraft patch (the latest version for video games) between the time required and can be downloaded at the official site.
Additional another for this game is a single unit called Hero. The uniqueness of the hero than the other units is that they have the capacity to be increased by increasing the level up to a maximum 10. Level can be increased by killing enemy units and all levels will increase, Hero can get new skills to add a sense of RPG games. Hero can kill, but he can be raised to the altar. Hero of the maximum amount that can be done is the third in which every city building age, players have access to create a new hero.

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos also features a giant wild-called "creep". Wild monsters and a variety of different strengths. Having a monster that can kill only a small number of hosts, but also has a strong unit and even immune to magic. They are found throughout the region on the map and they are usually more powerful, which maintains an increasingly important location for the players. If killed, they drop a small amount of gold to players as well as experience points required for the Hero to improve. Some wild animals that kill also dropped item that provides additional status or special skills that can only be used by the Hero and also can be sold for gold.
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
 Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos also provides the ability for players to play together in the same Games, better known as the plural. Multiplayer can be done via LAN or via Internet connection. Who would want to play multi-player connections via LAN must first create an account name, then create a special room to play with other players or enter into any space AS. Play through the internet connection itself is not fundamentally different from playing through LAN connection. The Warcraft developer Blizzard Entertainment to provide a special server to play on the internet (online) named Play with the main difference over a LAN is the player must create a account to the relevant site before it is the main Start on
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos

Plot in Warcraft III: reign chaos can only be found on the menu CAMPAIGN (Contest to shorten the trial or hearing of the mission) in single player mode (single game). There are four different campaigns where each race has its own CAMPAIGN (except for orc race CAMPAIGN on Latest tutorial for beginners). If a player has completed the CAMPAIGN race, so players can continue to the next race to sequence the Human campaign, Undead, Orc and Night Elf as the last campaign.

The story of Warcraft III: Reign chaos begins when a village among the people of Lordaeron American man attacked by orc hordes. Prince Arthas of Lordaeron prince was sent to meet the problems of Jaina Proudmoore magicians and senior commanders, Uther Lightbringer. Then successfully drove Arthas orc horde and let the villagers, Arthas Start new oddities feel like an attack from creatures such as witches and the emergence of Lordaeron mystery epidemic. The others, Arthas Start aware that there is a devil called Mal'ganis want to take advantage of people's humanity (Human) as a soldier to his people.

Success finally defeat Arthas Mal'ganis through a tough battle, but Mal'ganis successfully fled to the North Pole so that Arthas decided to pursue. In the Arctic, Arthas accidentally meet someone named Muradin located at the North Pole to find the magic sword called Frostmourne. Arthas obsessed with defeating any attempt to get the Frostmourne Muradin Jason Mal'ganis should lead to death. Finally successful in killing Arthas in Frostmourne sword Mal'ganis help, but without knowing the sword also affected his mind. When he came to the Palace of Lordaeron, Arthas has mastered the sword to kill his own father so that the Government of Lordaeron hit by recession.

The recent Arthas fortune by his own father and then meet other demon named Tichondrius say that Arthas was successfully carried out his first mission as part of the Undead race. Arthas then ordered to destroy the settlements of High Elf and Wells claim to extend the powers of magic and restore Kel'Thuzad undead, the undead priests were killed. By Kel'Thuzad, Arthas know that the punishment of Lordaeron is part of the plan known as the Burning Legion representative to enter the spirit world to help the physician named Dịch King. Kel'Thuzad also chapter that he "chose" the King Dịch as a person believed by the Frostmourne sword. Arthas and Kel'Thuzad and direct explanation to open the door between dimensions to grab my book Magic Dalaran, Lordaeron Government last basis. They were eventually successful summons Archimonde, leader, and the strength of the army is burning, Archimonde destroyed the remnants of Lordaeron Government.

At the same time rejoice, enslave, orc race supreme leader, decided to withdraw from the race from the lands of Lordaeron after a meeting with a mystery man called the Prophet (trained in Ramal). Along the way, density-density that they are exposed to the storm, so the group separated by a waiting Hellsceam Grom, his brother, and eventually stranded in Kalimdor, the land is still virgin. In Kalimdor, the group might meet enslave humanity called Tauren males who later became their friend. Finally meet the group serve a group of Grom Hellscream is involved in a small war in the country who also fled to Kalimdor after the fall of Lordaeron. Grom wait no longer interfere with the person who tells people, but ignore that serve to punish Grom Grom collect wood to set up headquarters.

Grom then reduce the huge amount of trees that partially divest the forest. The Grom vice Deforesting make Cenarius - Lord forest guards Kalimdor - Grom angry that he attacked the army. The Grom Army Air Force search and drink from a wish to defeat Cenarius, but the fact convicted by the power of Satan. At the same time, the forces that helped Tauren successfully refused to serve humanity, but all of a sudden the Prophet came back and said they need one to burn the army was glad Kalimdor. Human Orc and finally decided to work the military is controlled Grom devil before he successfully save Grom. Grom that he was in last fall after the success that killed Mannoroth, Satan is angry with him and the country before the other orc.

At the same time, one of the great leader of a Night Elf named Tyrande country awakened from hibernation whisperwind long and understands that there are foreigners who come to Kalimdor. Fear that they will only lead to chaos-Hara, Tyrande and Malfurion - Night Elf priest the highest - race war by telling them to duck Night small triangle with a powerful army burn (Undead) and Affiliate orc-Man. Outside of duck, freeing Illidan Tyrande - brother Malfurion imprisoned for alleged treason - to help the Night Elves. Successful later released by the Illidan kill Tichondrius, one General Burning army, but at the same time he was tempted by Jason Tichondrius power and then use that power itself. Malfurion Illidan eventually dismissed because his new powers Dianggap Dangerous Night Elf race

System Requirements 
600 MHz processor
256 MB of RAM
32 MB 3D video card
DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound card

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Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC

Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5
Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC series of fighting games, based on the popular manga and anime series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto, for the PlayStation 2. They were developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Namco Bandai. The series includes three games based on the first part of the Naruto story starting with Naruto Ultimate Ninja in 2005. It was followed by five titles for the PlayStation 2, as well as spinoffs and a sequel for the PlayStation Portable, and a follow-up title for the PlayStation 3 entitled Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. The release of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 marked the first game in the series to appear on a console outside the Sony PlayStation brand (Xbox 360) in addition to being released on the PlayStation 3.
Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 the player controls one of the characters within the Naruto anime and manga. The simple goal is to fight the opposing character and to win by reducing their health to zero. Along with the various weapons available to the characters also have their various special abilities taken straight from the series (Naruto Uzumaki's Rasengan or Sasuke Uchiha's Chidori, for example). To use these attacks, however, the player must have the required chakra as indicated by the "chakra bars" located under the players health.
Using the technique drains the chakra bar (which can be regained through various methods, including special, character specific methods for some characters). These special techniques are not performed in real-time, however; once successfully executed, a cinematic takes place, where the player either has to fill a bar to a specific level or hit buttons illustrated in the corner of the screen faster than their opponent to assure the attack is at its full strength. All characters can use the substitution jutsu, although some characters use different versions (two variants of Substitution exist; one which evades normal attacks, and another which begins a tug-of-war like minigame after juggling an opponent).

Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC
Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC

Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC
Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC

Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC
Download Games Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Full Version For PC

Minimum System requirements:
Operating System: Windows Xp Service Pack 2/Windows Vista or Linux 64bit/32bit
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 or faster
Memmory: 1 GB
VGA: NVIDIA GeForce FX series or ATi Radeon R300 series or later and Direct 9.0
Hardisk: 2,3 GB

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Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent

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Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent

Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent
Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent

Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent, Feature Super Fast increase automatic leveling exp and bonus gold, you can use tools for ninja saga, easy leveling level 1 to level 80, how to use the cheat:


1. Open Ninja Saga
2. Select You Charakter and Play
3. Open Tools
4. Click Automatic  Leveling
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Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent
Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent

Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent
Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent

Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent
Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent

Cheat EXP + Gold Ninja Saga Level 1-80 Permanent
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